Python Error Message: int object is not callable

Causes of the python int object is not callable error

The usual cause of a python int object is not callable error is an accidental error in the underlying data you’re trying to work with.

On the surface, this error is triggered when you try to invoke a function call on an object which isn’t expecting to be invoked, specifically a plain old fashioned int object. In true Pythonic fashion, the affected object will cause your python program to halt and catch fire via the error message (“Errors should not pass silently, unless explicitly silenced”).

Since it is rare for a programmer to intentionally map an ‘int’ object to a function call, the usual problem here is you either:

  • Reassigned a system function to an integer
  • Have mis-formed data that doesn’t fit the expected pattern (thus we cannot pass a required argument to a function / method)
  • Neglected to include a mathematical operator in the code

Fixing the python int object is not callable error

In any event, you should review the code of the python program for an error which would either reset an existing system function or fudge the structure of your data. If you’re able to use the python interpreter in real time, poke around the data type and any objects in memory to see if there are discrepancies from your design.

Similar issues can trigger “float’ object and ‘str’ object errors of a similar nature. Tuple objects will be inherently unhappy in this situation since the content of a tuple are static by design and thus – not a callable object. (this occurs when you’ve managed to get a tuple and ‘list’ object (the equivalent of an array) muddled up).

Preventing the python int object is not callable error

Part of mastering python programming is knowing how to organize your python code so it avoids common errors. There are a couple of things you can do to prevent this specific error.

First, never name your variable the same as a system default function. The leading cause of this error is people using the “sum” as variable names within a python program. This overwrites a commonly used system sum function with a fixed integer value. On it’s own, this can generate weird values in your calculations. Worse, this will cause things to break the instant you try to feed this into an iterator method (which otherwise tends to be relatively tolerant of quirky data).

Second coaching point: pay close attention to any typeerror exception. While it can be very tempting to quash them with a quick “cast” operation, they often reveal deeper problems with your python code or the underlying data. Be especially wary of missing data values that are silently valued at zero via a bad cast operation. That weird typeerror exception may be the only warning you get that things are broken before you discover a complex calculation is wrong…. (common issue in finance & business systems)

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Python Error Message: int object is not callable

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