Python Error Message: typeerror: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’

If you are getting an error message, it means that you are writing a computer program. Error messages are a frequent problem in programs of any real length. If you have not gotten any error messages, you probably have not done any real programming. Like any programming language programming in python will result in occasional error messages.

What is this error?

The typeerror: a bytes-like object is required not str error message commonly arises when a file is read as a binary object but acted on as a string. This error most frequently occurs when reading files, because files like a binary file or bytes object are often read in binary format. If you read a file as a binary file and then try to process it as a byte object string you will encounter this error message. This is a fairly easy mistake to make but it turns out to be quite simple to fix.

Why does it occur?

The typeerror: a bytes-like object is required not str occurs when a text file is open in binary mode, but it is accessed as a string. This bytes like object issue can occur when you access the file from a disc or a server through an import socket in your python program. In either case, the data is being loaded as a bytearray. The problem results from accessing this bytearray as if it were a Unicode string, rather than its default encoding.


There are the four main ways of fixing this problem.

1. This approach involves changing the string used in the split() function into a binary format by placing the prefix b before the string. This means changing split(‘str’) to split(b’str’).

2. This solution uses the decode() function, to turn the binary data into string data. This bytes class decode process allows you to process the data as a string.

3. This answer uses the encoding function, encode(), to convert the string used in the split() function into a binary format. It effectively works the same as placing the prefix b before the string. These two fixes are essentially the same, differ mainly in style.

4. This one truly fixes the problem, by opening the file in text mode rather than binary mode. The difference between the two code solutions to fix typeerror is as follows. This solution fixes the problem, by actually fixing the cause of the problem, rather than working around it.

This error message is not only easy to fix if you encounter it, but it is an easy one to avoid in the first place once you’ve read this python tutorial example method. While there are four ways to fix this error value, only one of them actually attacks the byte like object problem at its root. The ultimate solution to this error is if you are loading a text file loading it as text and not binary data. That way you can process, the data as a string without any danger of getting our error message.

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Python Error Message: typeerror: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’

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